I’m not a hero.

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You're not a hero, you will never be.

A hero is someone who will save the world at any cost, but you? You can't.

Because Her life is worth more than the world, at least, to you.


Spiderman Kim Minjeong, with a new set of villains and some familiar ones.


Technically short I think, but I've been playing Spider-Man so I thought... to give a superhero au a try. (Kinda abit future author here. It's not short.)

But she's not a hero!!

powers and crimes might have reference to the game but completely original villains and hero(not) info

in which Kim Minjeong might save the city, but if it was put on a scale with Her? Oh it'll be a losing battle.


Oh and... Kim Minjoo makes a hot villain.


Not movie, Comic, Game. Accurate

Plot is hopefully fully original but will have references to the ps4 Spider-Man remaster and miles morales games 

no previous knowledge about Spider-Man needed 

ALSO I'm not a New Yorker OR a American so there'll be inaccuracies, do point them out so I can improve. Thank you!


motivated by comments to write~

*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
162 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end